
We are now Recruiting Sponsors for 2026

Don't hesitate to contact us if you would like to be considered as one of our sponsors in 2026

Our challenges run from Thursday 8 am GMT until Wednesday 6 pm GMT.

Thursday, 25 February 2010

Challenge 39 - a recipe - ribbons and sparkle....

This week we are looking for you all to follow a recipe
"Ribbons and sparkle"
We are welcoming new sponsor
Angela at Toucan Scraps

Angela desgns craft printables, printable party kits and digital scrapbooking kits
which are all available at Toucan scraps

Angela joined us and has created a card for us this week
using her Victoriana range.

Some of the Dt have used Angela's Victoriana papers in this weeks creations!

This is Sarahs last week as GDT member - I am sure you will all agree she has been a great addition to the team with a lovely selection of projects. Thank you Sarah!

Junior Dt

Everyone loves some ribbon and sparkle
So join us and you could win any product of choice from Toucan Scraps.
Have your project with Mr Linky by 8p.m. GMT on Wednesday 3rd March!


  1. Wonderful work by the DT! Have a great day. Anesha

  2. Thank you so much for having me as part of your DT for the last few weeks! I have enjoyed every minute and have got a lot of inspiration from the regular DT and the entrants alike!

    Thanks again all...


    Sarah x

  3. beautiful cards from all of you .
    Babs x

  4. Thank you to Angela, aka Toucan Scraps for sponsoring us this week, thanks to Sarah for joining us as a Guest DT member, we have all loved and enjoyed your work.

    Hope there will be a lot of people joining us again this week.



  5. Great theme to the challenge once again, wonderful DT creations!

  6. Fabulous cards.Great recipe and I just love the Victoriana papers designed by Angela - they're gorgeous!
    Lisa x

  7. I love your all your fabulaous creations..Thanks for allowing me to play along :)

  8. Oh,they are very nice .I really like them ^^!

    ♥..♥  ╔══╦══╗╔╦══╗  ♥..♥
    ♥..♥  ╚═╗║╔╗║║║╔╗║  ♥..♥
    ♥..♥  ╔═╝║║║║║║║║║  ♥..♥
    ♥..♥  ║╔═╣║║║║║║║║  ♥..♥
    ♥..♥  ║╚═╣╚╝║║║╚╝║  ♥..♥
    ♥..♥  ╚══╩══╝╚╩══╝  ♥..♥

    Welcome to my website : http://9wallpapers.blogspot.com. This is a website where have a lot of beautiful wallpapers . Especially , all free !!!!

  9. I attempted your challenge, but unfortunately it is not clearly visible in the picture.... I'm sorry about that.... I hope my work becomes a part of your challenge, still.....

    Looking forward to your next....


  10. I have a great time at your challenges. Thanks and I love all the DT Cards.

  11. thanks for the challenge. The DT card are wonderful

  12. Love all the DT cards!! and I LOVE Ribbon and sparkle!!! :) Awesome challenge!!! Thank you again!


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