
We are now Recruiting Sponsors for 2026

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Our challenges run from Thursday 8 am GMT until Wednesday 6 pm GMT.

Thursday, 11 November 2010

CRAFT Challenge 76, Colour Palette Barry.

Morning all, a rather windy and rainy week this week so far where we are. However, that makes it even more likely we don't want to do anything but craft, right?

Thank you for joining us again last week, we had a fabulous response to our embossing challenge. Congratulations to our winner, see the post below, don't forget to claim your prize and winner's badge. This week we have a colour challenge for you again. This one is colour Barry, one of the colour palettes left behind by our good friend Eileen for use in our challenges, thank you Eileen!

So, your task is to create a project using the above colour pallete as a guide.

We also have a new sponsor this week, Glitterbabe. The prize she is offering for the winner is 2 of her stamps of the winner's choice. Stef will be joining us as a sponsor on a regular basis in 2011. Welcome Stef and thank you for joining us.

And here are some creations to give you some inspiration. First from our Guest Designers for November.

And from our DT:

Jo (me)

I hope this will give you some much needed inspiration, I'm sure you agree there are a lot of lovely creations there from the Design Team. Thank you all.

Looking forward to seeing all your lovely creations again this week. As always we will do our best to come and visit.

Happy Crafting!

Jo and the CRAFT Team.


  1. Fun challenge and LOVE the DT cards Thanks

  2. Thanks for letting me play, great inspiration, blessings Hilde

  3. ladies, ladies, ladies!!!! what absolutely gorgeous cards!!!! wow! i am deeeeeeee-lighted to sponsor C.R.A.F.T. and i am certainly looking forward to sharing my images and delighting in everyone's awesome creations in 2011! thank you so much for bestowing such a wonderful honor upon me!

    hugs :)

  4. Hi Girls
    Fabulous inspiration from the DT. Not sure why the collection is closed as it's only Tuesday (16/11/10), so here's my card

  5. Missed the posting cut off, but still want to share my card.
    Cat’s Creation


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