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Our challenges run from Thursday 8 am GMT until Wednesday 6 pm GMT.

Thursday, 27 May 2010

Winner of the Sentence Quiz!

The C.R.A.F.T team hope you all enjoyed our Blogaversary blog-hop immensely - as we did!

The Team knew the sentence was:-

'Crafting with paper, pencil, scissors, inkpads& embossing-powder is GREAT!' (embossing-powder was treated like one word as was 'inkpads&')

So, because it was meant to be a bit of fun, we've not been strict and we've included all variations of the sentence and those who missed the '&' and one who found 'great' but didn't formally include it because they thought there were then too many words!
We have 19 correct answers and the randomly chosen winner is.......

Jacky !!!

So Jacky, could you e-mail us with your address so Rosemary Merry can send you out your prize!!!

Congratulations Jacky! A fabulous Tag-book Kit by Quick Quotes worth £17.50 will be flying on it's way to you as soon as we get your details!

Thank you so much to everyone who took part in the fun this week! It's been a gas!

The Team!


  1. Wooo hoooo, can't believe my luck thank you so much!! Will send you my details asap,
    Love Jacky xx

  2. Jacky well done Jacky, enjoy your prize xx


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