
We are now Recruiting Sponsors for 2026

Don't hesitate to contact us if you would like to be considered as one of our sponsors in 2026

Our challenges run from Thursday 8 am GMT until Wednesday 6 pm GMT.

Thursday, 22 July 2010

C.R.A.F.T 60 - Out Of This World

This week's is a really exciting challege and opens up your talents to outer space, extra-terrestrials, distant planets, spaceships and goodness knows what more! A real opportunity for your own star to shine!

We're looking forward to seeing some really inventive projects with this excellent theme and as we have a special new sponsor this week - me! - digital projects will be will be very acceptable too (...don't forget to credit any digi artist's work you might use..!).

The winner will get £10.00 worth of digis from my site at Eiglassing (your own choice) and I trust you will enjoy them! If you prefer, I can draw something of your choice instead.
My Eiglas digistamps will also be making an appearance at Stitchy Bear Stamps very soon!

Our wonderful team have been beavering away at their fab demo projects to give you some great inspiration!

We have some exciting news too this week - one of the team, our leader Claire, has had some of her digis bought on license to be made into lovely, luscious red rubber stamps! Isn't that fab? Those gorgeous doodles have come alive!

Not only this, but if you pop over to her blog, Claire is giving some candy to celebrate!

Hope you enjoy your trip to the stars - we're looking forward to landing on your planet sometime soon! LOL!
The C.R.A.F.T Team


  1. Such a fun theme and super examples from the design team...can't actually believe I got here first.

  2. What fun projects! This was a "blast". :) Janis

  3. Great theme have added mone to mr linky x

  4. What a fun challenge - love the DT makes

  5. Really took me out of my comfort zone as i dont normally do this sort of card. - lovd the challenge though.
    x Tricia


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