
We are now Recruiting Sponsors for 2026

Don't hesitate to contact us if you would like to be considered as one of our sponsors in 2026

Our challenges run from Thursday 8 am GMT until Wednesday 6 pm GMT.

Saturday, 28 March 2020

Star of the Month February

It's time again to announce our Star of the Month February.

This time our sponsor is

Store blurp:Welcome to Digital Delights by Louby Loo, a magical place filled with digital creations from all walks of life. We are your one stop shop for all your digital stamps and digital products which are instantly downloadable. We also have a wide range of digital papers and svg cut files for all your crafting projects. Our low prices reflect our belief that crafting should not only be fun but affordable too!!Other services include custom blog design and custom watermarks. Why wait for snail mail? Start creating with our instant downloads today.

The prize is a $5 voucher for Digital Delights.

So, now it's time to announce our Star of the Month February.

With this fabulous creation:

Our Star of the Month February is:

Congratulations, Hazel, please contact us to claim your prize and to let us know if you would like to join us as GDT for a month perhaps.

Your badge for your blog is below.

Don't forget to check for our current challenge!

Jo and The CRAFT Team.


  1. Oh WOW, Thank You so much for this honour, I will email you now, Thanks for helping keep blogland a wee happy place especially during this horrible time we are all having, Hazel xx


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